Creutairean draoidheil is daonnail, saoghalan céineach is aithnichte, fantasachd le fiamh uabhais. Sgrìobte ’sa Ghàidhlig, tha dusan sgeulachdan ghoirid ’sa chiad nobhail grafaig aig dealbhadair-sgrìobhadair Aonghas MacLeòid á Ceap Breatainn. Tha buaidh nan seann sgeulachdan, eachdraidh is seann chreideamhan a bhuineas do na Gàidheil agus mac-meanma an ùghdair ri ‘m faighinn ann an gach sgeul.
Creatures magical and human, worlds strange and familiar, fantasy and a touch of horror. This debut graphic novel from Cape Breton author-artist Angus MacLeod is a collection of a dozen short tales in Gaelic. The stories are inspired by old tales, history and ancient beliefs of the Gaels, and the author’s imagination.
This audiobook edition was read aloud by author-artist Angus MacLeod. It is provided free of charge through funding support received from our generous Kickstarter supporters, and from the “Gàidheil air Adhart” fund of the Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia.