Luran agus a' Mhaighdeann-mhara (NS) cover

Paperback – NS edition
October 2021
8.5 x 8.5 inches
32 pages
ISBN 978-1-988747-86-6
$15.99 CA

Ebook – NS edition
November 2021
ISBN 978-1-988747-87-3 (EPUB)
$7.99 CA

Paperback – GOC edition
November 2021
8.5 x 8.5 inches
32 pages
ISBN 978-1-988747-91-0
$15.99 CA

Luran agus a’ Mhaighdeann-mhara

Bha deagh bhaile aig Luran. Bha beothaichan aige—crodh, caoraich, agus eich. Agus bha deagh bhàta aige cuideachd. Ach bha aon rud ga bhoidreagadh: bha na sìtheanaich a’ tighinn a h-uile oidhche ’s bha iad a’ goid na beothaichean aige! Cha robh fhios aige dè dhèanadh e. Ach latha dhe na lathaichean a bha e ag iasgach, thàinig maighdeann-mhara dhan bhàta…

Long ago, the Gaels brought this folktale from the Isle of Barra, Scotland, to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. A favourite of Cape Breton Gaelic tradition bearer Michael “Mickey” MacNeil, this tale tells the story of Luran, a farmer and fisherman. Luran had cattle, sheep, and horses, and a good boat too. But one thing was bothering him: the fairies kept coming every night and stealing his animals. He didn’t know what to do. But one day when he was out fishing, a mermaid came to his boat…

Available in both a Nova Scotia orthography edition and a Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (GOC) edition suitable for use in GME schools in Scotland.