An Cat Coigreach

May 2024
5.25 x 8 inches
148 pages
23 black & white illustrations
ISBN 978-1-77861-035-6
$15.99 CA / $12.99 US/ £8.99 GBP

An Cat Coigreach

Illustrator: June Ghreumach

Pangur is a black cat living happily with his family in Bern, a beautiful city in Switzerland – until the day they decide to return to Scotland! Now he is a foreign cat in Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis, and the other cats are not being kind to him. Pangur decides to leave the island and return to Bern. Surely his family will return too when the autumn storms start…won’t they? Follow Pangur’s adventures across the country, escaping from one danger after the next, until he learns the importance of friends and family.

’S e cat dubh a th’ ann am Pangur agus tha e a’ fuireach gu dòigheil leis a theaghlach ann am Bern, baile brèagha san Eilbhis – gus an latha a tha iad a’ cur romhpa tilleadh a dh’Alba! A-nis tha e na chat coigreach ann an Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais, agus chan eil na cait eile coibhneil ris idir. Tha Pangur a’ cur roimhe gum fàg e an eilean agus gun till e gu Bern. Agus tillidh a theaghlach cuideachd nuair a thig na stoirmean as t-fhoghar … nach till? Leanaibh na cuairtean-dànach Phangur thar na dùthcha, a’ teicheadh bho chunnart an dèidh cunnart, gus an ionnsaich e cho cudromach ’s a tha càirdean agus teaghlach.

  • Winner of the award for Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children/Young People / Làmh-sgìobhainn Neo-fhoillsichte as Fheàrr do Chloinn/Òigridh in the Duaisean Litreachais 2022 / Gaelic Literature Awards 2022
  • Author June Ghreumach received the 2019 Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award for Gaelic Childrens Fiction
  • Free download: An Cat Coigreach colouring page (A4)
  • Free download: An Cat Coigreach colouring page (US Letter)