Michael “Mickey” John H. MacNeil

May 2, 2024 | Author News, Childrens

Tha Clò a’ Bhradain fo bhròn a chluinntinn gun do chaochail Mìcheal MacNìll (Mìcheal Eòin Chaluim Sheumais Mhóir). Mar a sgrìobh Oifis Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, “Le a choibhneas is ’na dhòigh aotrom a bh’aige ’s ann aig cruinneachaidhean nan Gàidheal a bhiodh Migi. Is e a bhiodh daonnan deiseil is deònach òran a ghabhail air neo naidheachd innseadh. Le bhi ag oideachadh iomadh Gàidheal eile ’s a’ choimhearsnachd againn, chuidich e ann an dòighean beaga is móra gus a’ Ghàidhlig is a cultur a ghléidheadh ann an Albainn Nuaidh thro a làthaireachd chaoimh is bheartais do dhualchas.”

Ann an 2021 bha cothrom againn a dh’obair còmhla ri Migi agus an Dr. Seumas Y. Dòmhnallach air sgeulachd a dh’ionnsaich Migi bho a mhàthair, an sgeulachd as fheàrr leis: Luran agus a’ Mhaighdeann-mhara. Rinn sinn leabhar às a sgeulachd seo còmhla ri chèile, le dealbhan grinn le Eamag Dhòmhnallach. Bithidh sinn taingeil gu Migi gu bràth airson an sgeulachd aige a cho-roinneadh leinn. ‘S e oighreachd prìseil a th’ann a thug e dhuinn uile. Clach air a chàrn.

Bidh sinn a’ smaointinn air teaghlach Mhigi, agus Seumas agus gach neach a chaidh oideachadh le Migi. Tha sinn cho duilich airson ur call.


Bradan Press is sad to hear that Mickey MacNeil (Mìcheal Eòin Chaluim Sheumais Mhóir) has passed away. As the Nova Scotia Office of Gaelic Affairs wrote, “With his kindness and light heartedness, Mickey would be a fixture at Gaelic community gatherings. And he would always be ready and willing to share a song or a story. By way of mentoring many other Gaels in our community, he assisted in big and small ways in preserving Gaelic language and cultural expression in Nova Scotia through his gentle presence and treasure of cultural heritage.”

In 2021 we had the opportunity to work with Mickey and Dr. Shamus Y. MacDonald on a story that Mickey learned from his mother, his favourite story: Luran agus a’ Mhaighdeann-mhara (Luran and the Mermaid). We made a book out of his story together, with illustrations by Emily MacDonald. We’ll forever be grateful to Mickey for sharing his story with us. It’s a precious inheritance that he gave to us all. We’ll always remember him.

We’ll be thinking of Mickey’s family, and Shamus, and everyone mentored by Mickey. We’re so sorry for your loss.

Here is Mickey’s obituary for those who would like to read it: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/en-ca/obituaries/sydney-ns/michael-macneil-11785133

On Facebook we posted a lovely video of Mickey speaking at the book launch of Luran agus a’ Mhaighdeann-mhara and Luran and the Mermaid: https://www.facebook.com/bradanpress/posts/pfbid0nFtSUHGKo9GAvewGvt2yqEEUVm7rDiqgPjdLDQjEsV2nPE5RKJByWQqu3bLvVExRl

Our post about the Luran book launch in 2021 has more photos.

Luran agus a' Mhaighdeann-mhara / Luran and the Mermaid

Luran agus a’ Mhaighdeann-mhara / Luran and the Mermaid book covers

