Bradan Press is 8 years old!
Bradan Press is 8 years old! Tha Clò a’ Bhradain 8 bliadhna a dh’aois!
Thank you to our readers around the world, our creative collaborators, our funders, and everyone else who has supported Bradan Press since our founding in January 2016!
Mòran taing do ar luchd-leughaidh air feadh an t-saoghal, ar luchd co-obrachaidh cruthachail, na buidhnean a thug maoineachadh dhuinn, agus a h-uile neach is buidheann eile a thug taic dhuinn bho’n a chaidh sinn a stèidheachadh san Fhaoilleach 2016!
Last day for our “Seconds” Sale!
What better way to celebrate our birthday than using our “Seconds” sale to treat yourself! Until Atlantic time midnight tonight (Wednesday, January 17th, 2024) We’re selling our damaged books at a 25% discount. Over the past few years some of our books have been damaged by various shipping companies (you might remember the great UPS shipping fiasco of 2021, for example!)
The damage is slight and mainly consists of bent corners, scuffed front covers, wear along the edges of covers, and the occasional creased back cover. The damage does not affect readability.
We’re offering 25% off all books listed as “SECONDS” in our Canadian and US online shops. Visit the main shop page and scroll down alphabetically to “S” to see the seconds product listings. There is no coupon. Quantities are limited, with only 1-2 damaged copies available on some titles, so if you’re interested, jump on it to get the book(s) you want!
Here’s a peek at some of the seconds on sale:

A sneak peak at our Seconds Sale
Visit Our USA & Canadian Online Shops
Take advantage of the Seconds Sale in our Canadian or U.S. online shops:
For Canadian customers:
For U.S. customers:
Outside North America
We’re sorry we can’t offer this sale outside North America, but we encourage you to support both Bradan Press and Gaelic literature by ordering our books from the Gaelic Books Council shop at